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Echoes of the Storm

Max Dobrin

[Verse 1] A flash of light, a whisper in the sky A dance of shadows, where the clouds conspire Electric currents, through the heavens they fly A symphony of nature, in a single spark ignite [Chorus] Lightning strikes, a vision so divine Burning bright, in the heart of the night It's a sign, of the power unseen A fleeting moment, a memory keen [Verse 2] Silhouettes cast, in the flickering glow A world alight, in the storm's soft embrace Each bolt a story, written in the air A tale of power, and the elements' care [Chorus] Lightning strikes, a vision so divine Burning bright, in the heart of the night It's a sign, of the power unseen A fleeting moment, a memory keen [Bridge] In the calm before, the storm's quiet roar A pause in time, where the world takes a breath Then the sky ignites, with a thunder's might A spectacle of awe, in the endless night [Chorus] Lightning strikes, a vision so divine Burning bright, in the heart of the night It's a sign, of the power unseen A fleeting moment, a memory keen [Outro] As the storm subsides, and the silence returns A gentle reminder, of nature's stern burns Lightning's echo fades, into the night's embrace A memory of brilliance, in the sky's vast space [End]
