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The Confused Sage

Sed Duje

[Verse 1] Lost in the sea of equations, A mind that's always in motion, With glasses on, the world's a blur, But the heart sees clearer, it's sure. [Chorus] Confused nerd, in the mirror you stand, A reflection of a man, Who's searching for the answer, To the riddle of life's grand plan. [Verse 2] Books stack high, knowledge so vast, Yet the simplest of truths are passed, A quest for meaning, a journey so deep, Where the intellect meets the sleep. [Chorus] Confused nerd, in the mirror you stand, A reflection of a man, Who's searching for the answer, To the riddle of life's grand plan. [Bridge] Through the lens of doubt and fear, A path less traveled, yet so clear, It's not in the books, but in the heart, Where the answers to life's art. [Chorus] Confused nerd, in the mirror you stand, A reflection of a man, Who's searching for the answer, To the riddle of life's grand plan. [Outro] As the world spins, and the clock ticks on, A nerd's quest for truth, forever drawn, Confused, yet wise, in the end, A story of a man, a friend. [End]
